Studying in Australia is exciting and overwhelming to overseas students’ migrants hence the need to be reassured of the benefits of studying in Australia. Introduction Having a good understanding of Australia will also help overseas students to adapt quickly with its culture, people and laws of Australia. As qualified Education Agent Counsellors we advice students on appropriate learning pathways and study options.
Each state government manages the school system within their state. This means that they provide funds and regulation for their schools. Both public schools and private schools exist in each state.

The curriculum taught in each state or school may vary but the learning areas are the same in all. Each state has a Vocational Education and Training (VET) or Technical and Further Education (TAFE) system. VET prepares people for work in a career that does not need a university degree. Each state manages their system and meets at a national level to coordinate their effort. VET is transferable between all states. Study done in one state gains the same status in another state. Typically, a VET/TAFE course takes two years of study.

The national government provides the funding for universities in all the states. Each is independent in its governance. They set their courses and course content. A professional body must endorse a course for it to run. Typically, a university course takes three or four years of study. In the work place employers use agreed courses and outcomes to set standards of training for employment. Many parts of industry and business provide ongoing work place training for their employees. Some of this training can count towards a qualification. People who are educated overseas can gain recognition of their training. This may help them to get employment. It is compulsory for all Australian students to attend school until Year 10 or age 15.

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is a system of seventeen national qualifications in 3 sectors: Schools,

Vocational Education and Training (TAFE and private providers),

Higher Education (mainly universities).

The qualifications shown below are grouped according to the educational sector in which they are most commonly issued. A qualification normally offered in one sector may be provided by an institution in a different sector. For example: schools may offer a Certificate III course within their senior school, a University may offer a Diploma, Some Vocational Colleges may offer Bachelor Degrees.

The AQF is important since it: provides a clear structure for the level of each qualification, allows students to build their qualifications from lower to higher levels, allows one education institution to clearly understand the level of a qualification awarded by another and provide appropriate credit. determines the student visa subclass (see B – 6) that a student receives when they study in Australia. Pathways for International Students The AQF levels show how students can progress through the Australian education system. International students who arrive in Australia to study may begin at any level of the system. However, their academic or English proficiency may not match the level that they wish to enter. So, there are specific pathway programs for international students to eventually reach the level they want to study at. These programs have a variety of names but they all provide entry into another course of a higher level. A recent Australian government analysis of pathways students take can be found here.

There are four types of pathway programs that are designed for and are popular with international students:

English language courses (ELICOS) – see A.4 As a route to all levels of qualifications on the AQF Foundation Programs(enabling program) As a route to undergraduate and VET courses Diploma Programs As a route to undergraduate courses Other Bridging Courses As a route to all levels of qualifications on the AQF
All subclass 485 visa applicants must meet the Australian study requirement in the six months immediately prior to making their application, regardless of the stream that they are assessed under.

The Australian study requirement has two equally important and related components.

To meet this requirement, students must have: attained either a single qualification requiring at least two academic years study or multiple qualifications resulting in a total period of at least two academic years study; and

Undertaken this study in no less than 16 months.

For both streams of the subclass 485 visa, the Australian study requirement must have been met in the six months immediately before making a visa application.

Acceptable courses To meet this requirement, the course/courses must also: be registered through the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Course for Overseas Students (CRICOS) have been successfully completed have resulted in an eligible qualification (see page 3 for further detail) have had all instruction in English have been completed while physically in Australia have been completed while holding a visa allowing study in Australia Be counted only once towards the Australian study requirement.

English language proficiency courses or enabling programs cannot be used to meet the Australian study requirement. Two academic years study Two academic years study is defined as 92 weeks of study in a course or courses registered by CRICOS. CRICOS determines a standard duration (number of weeks) for each course. Students may take longer to complete the course, but will only be credited with the number of weeks that CRICOS determines as a standard duration. For example, if it takes a student 92 weeks to successfully complete a course that CRICOS says should take 78 weeks, they will receive credit for 78 weeks only. Only study that is successfully completed counts towards the two academic years. Failed subjects will not be considered. Students may meet the two year academic study requirement when completing a course that is longer than two years.

For example, if a course is CRICOS registered for 138 weeks (three years) and consists of 24 equally weighted units, two academic years will be met when 16 units of that course have been successfully completed. Credits and exemptions Credits for prior learning may reduce the amount of study undertaken. Credit granted on the basis of study undertaken in Australia in a course registered with CRICOS may contribute towards meeting the Australian study requirement, but only once.

The credited units cannot be counted towards meeting the Australian study requirement if they are already being used to meet the requirement as part of another course or if they were granted on the basis of study undertaken either overseas or within Australia in a non-CRICOS registered course. Minimum of 16 months The Australian study requirement cannot be met in less than 16 months.

This period begins when the study commences (generally from the start of lectures and excluding orientation periods) to the date at which all academic requirements have been completed. Overlap of qualifications Students may undertake overlapping qualifications.

For example, students applying under the Graduate Work stream of the subclass 485 visa may complete a Diploma in Finance and then a Diploma in Accounting where two units in the last qualification have been granted as credit from the earlier qualification. Where qualifications overlap, periods of study cannot be counted more than once. If a student completes more than one qualification, but uses only the most recent qualification to meet the Australian study requirement, then any credit received in the most recent qualification from the previous qualification(s) will count towards meeting the Australian study requirement. The actual period of study within the previous qualification(s) on which the credits were based may also be used to meet the 16 month requirement. Study outside Australia Study undertaken outside Australia cannot be used to satisfy the Australian study requirement. However, if a student undertook some study overseas but nevertheless completed at least two academic years of study in no less than 16 months in Australia in a CRICOS registered course, they can still meet the Australian study requirement. Example: An applicant who undertook a three year, six semester Bachelor degree following the study pattern mentioned below will have completed two academic years study in Australia: semester 1 outside Australia semester 2 in Australia semester 3 in Australia semester 4 in Australia semester 5 outside Australia Semester 6 in Australia.

The pattern of study does not matter as long as the Australian study requirement is met. Completion date Subclass 485 visa applications must be lodged within six months of the date of course completion. The date of course completion is the first date on which the educational institution publicly notifies the student that they have met the requirements for the award of their degree, diploma or trade qualification.

This notification can occur by: letter publication in a newspaper publication on the internet email Bulletin board at the tertiary institution. This date should not be confused with the date of conferral of award. The date of conferral is the date that the student actually receives their qualification, for example, at a graduation ceremony.

The Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) replaced the Skilled Graduate visa (subclass 485) on 23 March 2013 as a part of the implementation of post-study work arrangements. The Temporary Graduate visa now has two streams: the Graduate Work stream and the Post-Study Work stream. The Graduate Work stream is the same as the previous Skilled Graduate visa (subclass 485). The Post-Study Work stream offers extended options for working in Australia to eligible graduates of a higher education degree. Under this stream, successful applicants are granted a visa of two, three or four year’s duration, depending on the highest educational qualification they have obtained. The following provides information about the Australian study requirement specific to subclass 485 visa applicants under the Post-Study Work stream.

To meet the Australian study requirement, the course/courses must have resulted in an eligible qualification.

The eligible qualifications differ depending on which stream of the subclass 485 visa the applicant selects. For the purposes of applying for a subclass 485 visa under the Post-Study Work stream, only study that results in the conferral of an eligible degree level qualification will be considered. An eligible degree level qualification is a: Bachelor degree Bachelor (honours) degree Masters by coursework degree Masters (extended) degree Masters by research degree Doctoral degree.

Study resulting in a diploma level qualification or trade qualification will not be considered. As an example a student may complete a one year Bachelor degree followed by a one year Masters Degree and meet the Australian study requirement under the Post-Study Work stream, provided the other components of the requirement are satisfied.

Study must be at a certain level Only study undertaken at Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Level 7 or above (Bachelor degree level or above), which leads to the conferral of an eligible degree level qualification, may be considered towards meeting the Australian study requirement. An eligible degree level qualification is a Bachelor degree, Masters by coursework degree, Masters (extended) degree, Masters by research degree or Doctoral degree. This means that degree level courses which are packaged with a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma course may be considered, provided they otherwise meet the Australian study requirement.

Example: Students who complete a Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies which articulates (or leads) into a Master of Education are able to use both the study at the Graduate Diploma and at the Masters level towards meeting this requirement.

Example: Students who complete a Bachelor of Arts and then a Graduate Diploma in Asia-Pacific Studies will only have study undertaken at the Bachelor degree level considered, as the Graduate Diploma did not contribute towards the conferral of an eligible degree level qualification.

Study must be at an eligible education provider All courses used to satisfy the Australian study requirement must have been undertaken at an eligible Australian university or any other education provider accredited to offer degree level programs.

Qualifications must be closely related to nominated occupation The qualification(s) completed must be closely related to the student’s nominated skilled occupation. This means the subject matter and the skills gained from the qualifications can be applied at the level achieved in the nominated skilled occupation. Example: Acceptable combinations of study and nominated occupations include: an applicant who nominates ‘Physiotherapist’ as their skilled occupation and completes a degree in physiotherapy in Australia an applicant who nominates ‘Air-conditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber’ as their skilled occupation who has completed a Certificate III in Plumbing and a Diploma of Plumbing and Services in Australia Example: A combination of study and nominated occupation that would not be acceptable: An applicant’s nominated occupation is Registered Nurse but they satisfied the Australian study requirement on the basis of having completed a Bachelor of Commerce.

Student visas are temporary visas that allow people to come to Australia for a specified period (up to 5yrs) to study at an Australian educational institution.

To apply for a student visa, you must be enrolled in a registered course for a full time study with an approved education provider. We can assist to extend your stay after your studies by obtaining another temporary visa for you which may enable you to apply for a permanent visa if you wish.

There are up to seven classes of students visa each application is assessed according to the class of visa you choose, the type of course you want to study and your nationality. To be granted a student visa you must meet the necessary criteria such as: Genuine temporary entrant requirement Financial requirements Health requirements Health insurance English language proficiency Academic record and history Character requirements No Debts to the Australian government or have made an arrangement to pay.

Advantages of studying in Australia English speaking country Multicultural society Low crime rates Student support services and quality assurance process. Ability to work and study.

Higher Education visas Higher Education Sector (subclass 573)

This visa allows you to stay in Australia to study a full-time higher education course.​ Streamlined Visa Processing Streamlined visa processing for this visa is designed for international students applying to study in Australia at a participating university or non-university higher education provider. You may be eligible for streamlined visa processing if your main course of study is a Bachelor degree or a Masters by coursework.

Requirements This visa is designed for international students applying to study in Australia and whose main course of study is one of the following: You might be able to get this visa if you are enrolled as a student in a registered course for the award of: Bachelor degree associate degree graduate certificate graduate diploma Masters degree by coursework Higher Education or advanced diploma Higher Education diploma or advanced diploma.

Postgraduate Research Sector (subclass 574) This visa allows you to stay in Australia to do postgraduate research.​ Streamlined Visa Processing for this visa is designed for international students applying to study in Australia at a participating university.

You may be eligible for streamlined visa processing if your main course of study is a Masters degree by research or a Doctoral degree.

Requirements You might be able to get this visa if you are enrolled as a student in a registered course for the award of: a master’s degree by research or a doctoral degree. Vocational Education and Training Visa Vocational Education and Training Sector visa (subclass 572) This visa allows you to stay in Australia to study a full-time vocational education and training course.​

Requirements You might be able to get this visa if you are enrolled as a student in a registered vocational education and training course. This visa is designed for international students applying to study in Australia and whose main course of study is: a certificate I, II, III and IV (except ELICOS) a VET diploma a VET advanced diploma a vocational graduate certificateor a vocational graduate diploma.

Independent ELICOS Sector visa (subclass 570) This visa allows you to stay in Australia to study a full-time English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS).​

Requirements This visa is for international students who are enrolled to study English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) in Australia. This includes: courses that lead to a certificate I, II, III or IV courses that result in no formal Australian award.

School Visa Schools Sector visa (subclass 571) This visa allows you to stay in Australia to study a full-time school course if you are enrolled as a student at a primary or secondary school or participating in a secondary school exchange program.

Non Award Visa Non Award Sector visa (subclass 575) This visa allows International students who are enrolled to stay in Australia to study a full-time course that does not lead to an award: non-award foundation studies course other full time course or components of a course (other than ELICOS) that does not lead to an award.​

Streamlined Visa Processing for this visa is designed for international students who want to study the following courses at a participating university or non-university higher education provider in Australia: student exchange program (semester or year) or study abroad program (semester or year). ​

Visa for looking after a student Student Guardian visa (subclass 580) This visa allows you to stay in Australia: as the guardian of an international student younger than 18 years of age studying in Australia on a student visa in exceptional circumstances, as the guardian of an international student over 18 years of age studying in Australia on a student visa.​

Requirements You might be able to get this visa if you: are a parent or person who has legal custody of the student, or a relative who is nominated by a parent or custodian of the student are at least 21 years of age have no family members younger than 6 years of age, except under certain circumstances are able to provide accommodation, general welfare and other support to the student.

Professional development visas Training and Research visa (subclass 402) This visa allows you to: take part in structured workplace-based training to enhance your skills in your current occupation, area of tertiary study, or field of expertise (Occupational Trainee stream) participate in a professional development training program in Australia after being invited to do so Professional Development stream observe or participate in an Australian research project after being invited to do so (Research stream).

Requirements You might be able to get this visa if you are one of the following: an occupational trainee (Occupational Trainee stream) a professional, manager or government official (Professional Development stream) a professional academic (Research stream) You must meet the requirements of the stream in which you apply.​

Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) This visa is for international students who have recently graduated from an Australian educational institution. This visa can be granted for up to 4 years depending on your circumstances. It lets you work in Australia temporarily after you have finished your studies.​​

Requirements You might be eligible to apply for this visa if you are in Australia: are younger than 50 years of age hold an eligible visa meet the two-year Australian study requirement must apply within 6 months of meeting this standard. have at least competent English have recently graduated with either an eligible qualification or with skills and qualifications that relate to an occupation on the skilled occupation list (SOL).

The Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) lets you live, study and work in Australia temporarily after you have finished your studies. Students are only able to access the Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) once as a primary applicant. This visa has two streams: Graduate Work stream – for international students with an eligible qualification who graduate with skills and qualifications that relate to an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL).

A visa in this stream is granted for 18 months from the date of grant. Post-Study Work stream – for international students who graduate with a higher education degree from an Australian education provider, regardless of their field of study. This stream is only available to students who applied for, and were granted, their first student visa to Australia on or after 5 November 2011. A visa in this stream can be granted for up to four years from the date the visa is granted, depending on the visa applicant’s qualification. Note: There is no list of occupations for this visa stream and there is no requirement to apply for a Skills Assessment for this visa stream.

Applicant must have IELTS 6.0 (Competent English). Applicant will also need to apply within 6 months of meeting the Australian Study Requirement and have completed a Degree, Masters or Doctorate at an Australian University or College that has a registered degree or higher CRICOS course. The length of the visa granted will be: Bachelor Degree – 2 Years Master Degree – 3 Years PhD – Doctorate Degree – 4 Years. If you are applying as the main applicant, you and anybody else covered by the application must be in Australia when you apply for this visa and when your visa is decided.

Family members who apply for this visa after the main applicant has been granted the visa may be in or outside Australia when they apply, but must not be in immigration clearance.